ODISHA JAPAN FESTIVAL 2019 出演アーティスト第二弾発表!
【ODISHA JAPAN FESTIVAL2019出演アーティスト第二弾発表!!】
アルバムは「ONE KID WITH A DREAM」というタイトルで、自身の28年の人生を7曲に凝縮。「好きなことを追求し続け、苦境を乗り越えられれば、そこに満足できる何かが必ずある」と、子どもたちへのメッセージを込めた。インドで社会問題となっている差別にもアプローチした。収録曲のミュージックビデオはユーチューブ再生回数が14万回を超える。
I announce the ODISHA JAPAN FESTIVAL2019 appearance artist second!] 】 ★INDIA ARTIST
The child era "that it has been made fun of in sacred place puri along Bay of Bengal appearance being different." It was an American popularity rapper, music of Eminem that met in the days of 13 years old that ran the English school. The rap to sing breeding of own in openly affected the heart of a pubertal boy with a trouble and pains. "I want to express one's feelings in a lap". I rolled it up to listen to music absorbedly and learned laying upon of rhythm and the rhyme by self-education and sent days to be devoted to the making of music.
I shot best hip-hop artist Prize dead by an entertainment-related contest of India hosted by a company for 16 years and spread the name at a bound. I receive a high evaluation with "the artists of the global scale to hark back to Eminem of the youth" "five best in the country". The album condenses the life of 28 years of own to seven pieces with a title called "ONE KID WITH A DREAM". When "there was something which I could be satisfied with there by all means if I continued pursuing a favorite thing, and a difficult situation was got over ," I loaded it with the message to children. I approached the discrimination that became the social problem in India. As for the music video of the collecting music, the YouTube reproduction number of times exceeds 140,000 times.
お知らせ種別 | その他 |
ジャンル | その他 |
公式ウェブサイト | https://japan-india.club/ |